Tuesday, 31 December 2013

3. Arley Hall Legal Documentation

As this event was an external event there were many legal documents such as risk assessments and code of conduct sheets we had to have checked, verified and signed by every member of the Event Management team to ensure health and safety and legal implications were not breached or neglected. 

For example we had to collect a:

  • Risk Assessment Arley/Student
The Stage Manager had to make a risk assessment form for our event which had to be signed by the every member of the Event Management team to ensure that everyone has read and understands the health and safety risks they may be taking when working in an environment outside of college. It also explained what procedures were to be carried out if anything did go wrong or happen. 
  • Student Study Visit form (Name and Numbers of Students)
    This form was essential to fill out as it had the contact details and names of everyone in the Event Management team who was attending the event. This was important as if any thing happens to anyone or if someone went missing hopefully they could be contacted on their phones which complied with health and safety regulations of the event. The college also had a copy of this document which meant that if the college, a parent or guardian wanted to contact someone at Arley Hall they could be.
     It was also a college policy that we do this.
  • Code of Conduct
    The Stage Management team also had to create a code of conduct. This was made to ensure that every one followed the rules and regulations set by the Event Managers. For example we were not to bring alcohol to Arley Hall or be punctual and attentive during the entire event from get in to get out. Doing this ensured that the event ran smoothly, efficiently and successfully.
  • Booking Terms and Conditions for Arley Estate 
    Similar to the terms and conditions of the code of conduct Arley Hall sent the Event Managers a Terms and  Conditions document that was to be read to the Event Management team so they would know to rules and regulations of being in Arley Hall. For example as Arley Hall is also a residential home that has expensive antiques in many of the rooms every member of the team had to be mindful and respectful of this so as not to cause any damage or to disturb the family living up stairs.
  • Arley Estate Booking  Confirmation 
    This form was needed because it confirmed and verified that our team were the relevant party that are booking the Arley  Hall Estate for our event. It also acted as a reconfirmation that the entire team were going to comply with all of the health and safety and terms and conditions that Arley Hall had stipulated.
  • Register Much like the student study visit form the Event Management team also created a register of every person in the Event Management team that was attending the event.  This was to ensure that before and after the event the Event Manager or any accompanying college staff could take a register so that we knew everyone had left and arrived safely. 

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